Department Profile

Department of Computer Science

Computer science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.

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Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering

Welcome to the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at UEC, Ujjain was established in 1985. It offers Bachelor of Engin

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Department of Electrical Engineering

The Department of Electrical Engineering of UEC, Ujjain boasts of having a highly qualified faculty with an unparalled level of expertise in their field. Under the able Headship of Dr. D. K. Sakravadi

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Department of Civil Engineering

The department of civil engineering has been prominent in the growth of the institute since 1966. Currently department has been offering two programme’s B-Tech in Civil Engineering and M-Tech in Compu

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Department of chemical engineering , established with UG programme in 1986, possess healthy infrastructure to meet at the requirement of AICTE to offer UG, PG and programmes. The present ststus of fa

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department is one of the oldest departments of the institute. It is also one of the biggest departments of the institute with student strength of about 280 which will touch appr

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Chemistry Department

Vision: To develop and nurture the available human resource for the socio-economic and technological development of the nation.

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Physics Department

Welcome to the Department of Physics! We offer theory course as well as a laboratory course Physics (PH1301) to the first year UG students of all branches. We are here to build the foundation in Ph

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Mathematics Department

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics! The Department of Mathematics has highly qualified, dedicated and sincere six faculty members including one TEQIP faculty. Four faculty members are doctorate

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